PNW Beauty Podcast

Lisa Kon Celebrity Nail Artist: Hailey Bieber, Kate Moss, Zendaya, Rita Ora, Tom Holland

Irina Groshina Season 1 Episode 2

Hosted by  Irina Groshina
Founder of
Owner of

Our guest: Lisa Kon
Celebrity nail studio

Welcome to the new episode of the PNW Beauty Podcast featuring Lisa Kon, a renowned celebrity nail artist. In this episode, Lisa shares her background and explains why she chose to specialize in nail artistry. She also provides valuable insights into avoiding burnout and attracting clients in the nail industry.

Lisa talks about the unique qualities of her manicure services and reveals her favorite type of manicure. She also discusses some of the most challenging and memorable experiences of her career, including working with celebrities such as Sylvester Stallone's mother, Kendall Jenner, Hailey Bieber, Kate Moss, Zendaya, Rita Ora, Tom Holland, and Justin Bieber.

00:00 Wellcome to the first PNW Beauty Podcast
00:30 Lisa Kon, Celebrity Nail Artist
1:10 Lisa's background
1:40 Why nails?
7:20 How to Avoid Burnout?
10:37 How to attract clients in the nail industry?
21:55 What is unique about your manicure services?
23:07 What is your favorite type of Manicure?
23:30 How does your Manicure?
25:50 Celebrties clients - Silvester Stalone's mother
27:00 Kendall Jenner
31:52 Most stressful situations
38:04 Most difficult Manicure you ever made?
36:45 Manicure for a little girl?
40:00 Travel with celebrities: Kardashians
42:33 Hailey Bieber, Kate Moss, Zendaya, Rita Ora, Tom Holland
43:35 Justin Bieber
44:08 Importance of salon's interior design
45:30 Let's talk money - how much does it cost to open a nail salon?
46:04 Future plans
51:55 First impression of LA

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Hi, beauty Professionals. This is Serena from P N W Beauty Problem. And today our exciting guest is nail artist, celebrity nail artist from L A Lisa Con. Hi, Lisa. Hello, how are you? I'm good. How are you? I'm good. Thank you. Uh So can you please quickly introduce yourself? Yeah, of course. My name is Lisa Lisa Kahn and I came from Russia around six years ago to L A and now I have two beauty nail studios for nails. I have my nail line product and I work with celebrities. Um So, so that, that's exciting. You've been to United States only a few years and you already achieved so much. Thank you. That's very special. Um Can you tell us more about your background, please? Yeah, of course. Um when I was in Russia, I study in university for accounting. And on my second level of education, I started doing nails and I just fall in love, but I finished my university but I never work in this industry. So for now I'm doing nails around 12 years, almost 12 years and I love it. Why do you like and why did you start nails? I started by accident. Actually, I never have a plan. Work with nails just one time me and my boyfriend for now, it's my husband. We visit our friends in Moscow and she showed me like this cute um nail led lamp. And for this moment, it was seeing the schlock Joe and it was so new for me. And she told me you can apply the polish on your nails. Carol inside the lamp for like 60 seconds and you can wear this manicure for two weeks. And after just remove it with acetone is like, what, how it's possible because my regular nail technician takes around 2.5 hours for builder gel manicure or when I did it by myself, it was nail polish, but I should do it like every three days. And I was like, okay. I want to try it. The next day we came to like a huge market. It was like a Dubrovka and I spent like almost all my money for these polishes. And when I came home and show everything what I bought to my husband for my boyfriend at this moment. Ah he told me like, Lisa, you spent so much money. So now you need to start working and take this money back. So I tried like for my friends, for my mother, for my sister. And then I make a small post in social media about like, hey guys come to my place and I will do your nails for like a very little price because I need to practice. And it was like so good. I have a lot of clients very quickly and it was all the time, like, kind of easy for me. I never did manicure very long time or like a very ugly and I started doing this and it was great. Did you have to go to school there in Russia? In Russia? No, you don't need to go to school. You can take some classes if you like. But I learned everything by myself. So I like to read some information in social media. I watched some youtube channels and like this and practice, learn and practice, learn and practice. Okay. So still you don't have to go to school there. Yes, you don't need it. We don't have an actual license in Russia. Okay. So that's the difference between here and there here. A huge difference. Yes. Here for like illegal working, you need a finished School and you need to take an exam right now. It's just one, it's only a theory. But a few years ago when I have my exam, it was theory and practice. And how many hours do I have to go to school here? 400 hours for manicure? I think it's like the biggest amount of hours in the United States. Did you take any classes in person in Russia and maybe here or just everything I learned everything by myself and I'm still learning because as you know, in beauty, you cannot stop because like every month it's something you need to learn all the time. That's true. So you started getting clients through Instagram for like 10 years ago. It was not Instagram, it was contact something like Facebook. Yes. So it was this and like maybe in five years and four years after of course, I did Instagram but first it was contact okay when you came to the United States, how did you attract clients here? How did you start getting them the same way? I did it through social media when we came to the United States first like six months, me and my husband travel around and I create like a working page in Instagram and start to follow the people who can be my client here. And when they tried to contact me, I just say like I'm not here yet but I will be in L A soon. I will text you when I'm ready to take you to see you. And when I came to L A, like I have pretty big amount of people who wanna visit me. So I start working immediately. Were in the apartment and in the next two days I have my first client. I just started working from home. Yes. Did you set up like a full room for itself or just a table? Like the first year we rent only one bedroom apartment. So it was part of my living room. I have like this like a room divider and it was kind of my room but it's not full room. And next year when we have a little more money, we rent a two bedroom apartment and it was separate room. How, how many hours days did you have to work? Like the first year or first year and a half? I worked so much. I don't have any days off and I had so much client and like almost every day it was around 12, sometimes 14 hours. So crazy because my regular working day was 10 hours. But when my schedule schedule was fully boo, I have like a kind of emergency appointment and I take the clients after my working hours. So that's why it was sometimes 12, sometimes 14. That's crazy. Crazy. Did you charge more after our course? It was like a twice price because if a person really need, they can pay. That is true. How did you not get burned out? Oh, I don't know. Probably first reason I really like my work. I enjoy it and I never have something in my mind. Oh my God. I hate this. I hate these people. I hate this job. I don't wanna do this anymore. So I never have like this thought. I really like it. And all the time when I have like when I feel I cannot do it anymore, we have like a small break and go away before one day to some beautiful place with my husband. So it helped my help a lot and it was fine. Okay. And what's your schedule now? Right now I have a small baby. So he's 15 months and I work at the salon only three days a week, two days a week in Studio City location and one day in Beverly Hills and rest. I have a kind of day off and house calls because with house cause you never know when you have it sometimes like can you come in one hour? Of course you can and you always can, you never say no, never say no. I think this is also very important thing in my work because I take everyone and I never close my schedule. Sometimes technicians when they are fully booked, they just say like, sorry, I cannot take you in my situation. I just write the prices and all the time can take a new person all the time. And how do you travel? Do you take everything with you? All the color, the equipment? How does it work? Like the first few times when I did it? Of course, I was not crazy and I take everything because I don't know what I need right now. I have my travel suitcase and I have the most popular colors and most popular things for designs. What I know like people do more often than others. Um So, and it's all the time ready to go after my House call, I prepare everything and if the person can talk me and say for example, I needed in 30 minutes. If it's not far away, I can do it. How do you charge more for house calls? Of course, house calls. I charge 1000. Okay. And how much do you charge? Now for manicure at the salon and the salon? My price starts from 300 and my girls have a different price. And for from what price did you start? Then just came to Los Angeles, my price was $30,. And in Russia, in Russia when I left my prices went around 1000 roubles. Okay. So about $12, something like that. 15, maybe 20. Yeah, it was yeah, like different, different cars. So around this but in my city it was pretty expensive one. That's exciting. Um And how do you think people can attract clients besides social media? Can you recommend beauty professionals? How else they can get them? Of course, they should do their job very well because most important thing in your job, like it's a good result and if your client happy, she for sure or she or he for sure will let know for some families or friends like how amazing was experience with you and she will bring like some friends or family to you as well. So I think the best thing like if you do good, you will have more and more. And is there any difference between what clients, sir? Quest there and here? Yes, of course. In Russia it's more minimalistic. Probably nails like um short, neutral, not a lot of designs here. If we talk about American people or like not Russian speakers, it's more extensions and more designs. Sense. Why do you think still acrylic nails and the powder popular here? Because from my understanding it's even prohibited in Eastern Europe. Yeah. In Russia or in Europe it's not really like a popular, I think the most reasons because people never try another product. I think 95% of nail salons here, they do acrylic unzip because it's not so many technicians from Europe. So they just never tried because all our clients who try our service, they Never go back to normal place because it looks better. It's better and it's more healthy, like a less allergy. Not a lot of chemical smile. So, it's much better always. It's just one thing. It's more expensive. Yes. But it lasts longer. Yeah, of course. How many people do you have now? Working for you? I have a 19 employees here in Los Angeles. 19. And I assume they're all women. Ah, yes, old woman and all Russian speakers. Okay. Ah, and how do you hire them? Usually girls contact me because I have a lot of, like, publications in some different magazines or, like, in some interviews. And also I think a lot of technicians from Europe know about me because my story like kind of kind of interesting. Yes. So I think 90% of my technicians contact me first. But sometimes if I search through instagram, some new technicians who came, I can contact technician as well. If I see some amazing pictures, I will contact the person too. So you can Tell just from the picture 1st. Yes. 1st. If I see a beautiful works, I try to ask how much time do you need for this type of job? What do you do? Like, what do you like in this industry? Whatnot? We have an interview and each technician did manicure on my hands. So I try every person. That's how you interview them. Do you hire beginners or just established professionals, professionals? Because we kind of like a very high price nail salon. And if it will be only, not only like if you will have a beginner's clients will not happy. Probably so only like a very, very professional. How do you think? Of course, it depends. But how do you think how many hours years would it require to become a Good nail professional for different people? I think it's very different because I know like the same person who can do it in a few months. Some people can learn 10 years and they will not an average couple of years, as I said like a very, very different than a person. Sometimes I do nail nail classes. And I can see the person who just start and I see like she's really good. She just needed a little practice maybe one month more and she will be good. So it's the kind of person. Okay. Do you provide supplies or they buy their own supplies? We provided? Yes, for technicians. We provide everything but like old tools, like nippers, real bits. They do it by themselves because if, when, and we just thought that we did provide everything but they lost everything. It was like, not good in like a few months. So you need to change it all the time because they don't really care about other tools. But when it's there, it's much, much better. Is it difficult to, to be a bus in a female work environment? I think it's not about female or not female. I think it's just like, it's pretty hard to work with people because every person is like a very different from each other and they have their own problems. They have their own opinion. And like this is difficult. First year I think it was most difficult because it was my first experience with this and we did a lot of mistakes and I teach people for free because I was thinking like, if I will do it, they will stay with me forever. But of course, no. So right now it's much easier because I already um, like I see a lot of problems and we how to say like a mm you can say in Russian like, okay, so you're, yeah, like, like you have experienced experience because we know how to get stronger and stronger and stronger every time. That's good. Of course, working with people always hard, always. And you don't only work with Your employees who also work with clients. It's another story. Okay. I like talking about clients. Have you ever had difficult clients? Yes, we do. And we have it right now. But like, I think 99% of our clients, they're very good. They're very nice. They're very friendly and I think it's because they're very success. Like, um, people who already have something important in their lives, they don't try to say like, oh my God, you're not paint here a little bit. Oh my God. It's like easy and it's easier for girls, I think as well. But some clients, yes. Like, are they a little bit crazy sometimes? Can you recommend how to deal with difficult clients? Yes, of course. I think it's very important for any technicians in any industry. Uh, the first rule, your client's always right if you know he's not right or she's not right. You need a, like a smile and like, be very nice to this person because almost every person when you try to be nice when he tried to aggress, be aggressive with you. He changed his position with me. It always works and I never have a situation when a client came after I talked to him, like in bed mood. So it's very important to be very nice and like to give, give to your client this like a mood. What? She's right? His right. And like we will try to change our way to be more um more good for them. I don't know. Is it right or not? It is. It is very right. But how do you feel after dealing with difficult client or after getting as a business owner? I assume maybe you've had some not super positive feedback. How do you emotionally deal with that? It's hard sometimes actually for girls, I think I don't know about all girls, but I am very sensitive and I take everything very close to my heart. So it's hard. Yes, that's true. But my husband helped me in this because he always support me. And if I'm in a bad mood about something going on at work or with clients or as you say, we have a bad feedback, he helped me. So you do everything with your husband? Yes, we own this business together. Yeah. So how do you separate this? How, what handles what my part is more like a creative work with salon and everything. And his part is more marketing like salaries and everything like this. He can also our manager for beauty supplies because we have a shop and we sail all around the world. So he have his part and I have my part. Okay. That's very convenient. Very good. We have such a good support. Um, what about competition here in L A If we're talking about, like, a competition, for example, in Russia and here it's huge different because in Russia or I think almost any city in Europe. Yes. It's very big competition here is not so many, but every year it's much more girls or boys coming from Europe, too late to United States. And like, I think 10 years it will be pretty good here. Yes. But right now it's still like if you're good for sure, you will have your clients for sure if you're not good. This is the problem because here so many nail salons who do their job, like decent, very better, decent. So it will be a huge competitions like a low price and not very good quality. But if you provide very good quality, it's not a lot. Who do you compete with mostly Russian speaking? Text? You mean working or my competition's working? I mean, as a nail artist as a nail salon for your competitors, I think we don't really have but probably some Russians. Yes. If you talk about like a client's not celebrity clients, it's Russians because this technique with dry manicure, it's very different and people who try it, they try to find a person who can do it. So in Vietnamese or American salons they don't. So it's only Russians or European. So what's the difference? What's so special about your manicure? We have a totally different technique. It's much more deep cleaning. It's like more detail and nails after manicure looks like after Photoshop. And sometimes they ask like, how you, what program do you use to create this type of nails? And I said I never do any Photoshop. I put only the logo and that's it because if you do your job perfectly, you don't need Photoshop anything. So it's very different. We don't use the water for manicure and we use the only real machine and sometimes Switzer's or nippers. It depends of cuticle. So it's very, very different. You need to try once or learn how to do it to understand. Do you also do picnickers? Exactly me. No, but my girls and salon. Yes, they do. Okay. And I'm curious, why don't you? I never like feet. So I never in my life did pedicure. Never. So you just like manicure like hands. And also I'm curious, what's your favorite style of manicure? Favorite design? Maybe if you have any, I really like French Dip, French. It's only because that's what I really like something like a very minimalistic and nice. If I talk about my hands, it's always something new. But I really like to do some designs for my clients, but I cannot waiting for myself. So usually I do it by myself, but I do a lot of interviews for jobs. So in this case, girls do it because I don't have a chance I need to try the person by myself. And how often do you hire? Um I cannot say like sometimes it's one person in months, sometimes one person in like six months because I have a lot of interviews but not a lot of girls I heard because as I said, um like some person can come to you and say like I can do whatever you need. I'm so good. Like I'm professional and then she started doing it. You can see like she do totally wrong thing. Yeah, I can understand what we're talking about. That happens sometimes. And how do you set up prices because your prices for manicure pretty high. What about other girls and so on our regular price for jail. Manicurist 100 then we have like a few different options for technicians to grow and we have a top meister, it's 1 20 for one color and we have a VIP meister, VIP technician. It's 1 50 for one color. So if you need a design or extension, it will be more expensive. And how much time does it take? Usually we have two hours for any service like it will be gel manicure, gel pedicure or extension. What about your manicure? How much time to take if it's nothing like very, very hard, just gel manicures take around one hour if it's extension or manicure with a lot of design. It can be one hour, 30 minutes, two hours. So around this. Okay. That's pretty fast. Yeah, it's pretty good. Yes, because I know a lot of technicians who work in. Right. If need, it takes like, three hours. Sometimes four. But client I think cannot, I don't think everyone can sit for four hours for just manicure. But I know some technicians who are pretty popular, not here in L A but they do like around four hours and they charge pretty expensive and they have a huge line, but probably they have a huge line because they can take a little person a day. True. That's true. Um Okay. Let's talk about celebrities who was the first one. My 1st, 1st 1 was mother of Sylvester Stallone. She was around like 90 or 92 years old and she contact me in Facebook and asked me, Lisa, can you come to my place and do my nails and can you teach me how to do gel manicure? Wow. Oh my God. She was very, very nice woman. Like a very, very positive. We did her manicure. I explained everything to her. She was very nice. So you showed her how to do that? Yes, I did. I tried to explain with my very, very bad English but I did that. It was when I just came around like five years ago and after her, I never, not, never like after her for a very long time, I don't have anyone else because she is not like a very um so yeah, very social and she cannot show a lot of people in my work. Right? And she don't post it on social media, of course. So around like three years ago I think um I did one manicure for one of my clients. She's kind of very um very popular photo shoot, how to say she's okay. She's photographer. So I did nails for her. And she worked on the set with Kardashians family and they saw my work on your and agent of Kylie Jenner. Not Kendall Jennifer. Kendall Jenner contact me and asked to come to her place and did moniker for her. How did it feel? Very exciting, very nervous. And first I think maybe it's some kind of joke because I never think what I can work with this type of people. And I never had this type of ambition about like came to Hollywood to work with celebrity system. I never think about it. So it was very, very, very nervous for me. And I never did house called like a professional household before. And I was nervous. Should I take everything with me or like they give me table or stew? I take everything, everything because I didn't know I tried to search in the internet and how people do house calls. Like, what should I take with me? How should, how my setup should look like? But it was no information at all. So I take everything with me. What manicure was that? She was very excited. What did she see? It was like a new base and kind of cow type of like a sports with dark brown. So it came very, very popular after because when we did this manicure, she posted in her stories and a lot of magazines like make a publication with this picture and so many people all around the world start doing business. They like tag me. Some people not of course, but it was kind of like a very, very exciting and you said that you were excited but nervous at the same time. How is it, is it difficult to do manicure when you're that nervous? Like your hands shaking? I think, I think very important to handle this situation because any person can be very nervous. And when I just came to her place to make a set up, my hand was shaking because I was so nervous. I was afraid when I caught her or anything, tell us what I did something wrong. But when she came, I relaxed and did my job. Well, so I was not nervous at all during the process. So you focused on the work. I think it's very important for any technicians. Like I have like this switch and be ready for work without like, but you have to be very professional. And if you're a beginner, I don't think it's that easy, not easy at all. If you're a person who's not afraid anything, probably it will be much easier because you will not nervous. But, but as I said, I'm very sensitive person like, and I take everything very close. So I was very, very nervous. Okay. And what happened next and next people start to contact me because they saw her work like the next 24 hours to my page I think was plus around 10,000 followers. And every time when I did something and when she posted, not every time she posts, of course, like I have this wave with new people on my page and people of course was like a very exciting about it too. And they want to try the same manicure, they wanted the same design and a lot of people came to salon to have the same nails with same products and kind of like the same technicians. Not everyone came exactly to me. Of course, like a lot because I'm pretty expensive and, and I pretty booked. Yes. Not everyone can wait or pay so much money so my girls can do kind of the same for them. So they can you have someone who can exactly do what they want or still? Of course, like any technicians do it a little bit different way and about manicure and about design. But I hired only like a very, very good girls. So, and I have at least Three technicians who can draw a very difficult design as I do some technicians of course, do more like a plane. Very nice and clean manicure because maybe 70% of our clients prefer to do something very classic. Just one color. What was the in your professional career? What was the most stressful moment or maybe part if you can remember very stressful situation was about Black Lives Matter Story. I don't know. Have you heard about it or not? I've heard that you can. Yeah, I don't think everyone when I just started, I did a manicure for myself with like nails with different shades of like from very, very light nude to like a dark brown and paint like all Lives Matter. And I tried to do that as support but I didn't know what all lives matter. It like sounds very, very bad thing for people who live here. And it was like a huge thing because when I posted uh for a few hours, it was around like a 500 comments on my post and people start um like text me like you white your privileges. You would not understand like not anyone Lives Matter until Black Lives Matter and people start texting me like it's the end of your business. It's end of your career. Like you should be afraid and blah, blah, blah. So it was very, very stressful. Some people start making a like a youtube Rolex about it and some like a kind of famous bloggers as well. So it was kind of scary for the first few months. But I, when the person, one of my clients Americans tried to explain me why they react in this way. Of course, I like say like sorry guys and not want to say anything bad because I'm totally fine with like any race and I have clients from different parts of the world. So it's not about I don't like black people or Chinese people or Indian or anyone else because in Russia when we say all lives matter, it's like everyone the same. Like it's not about our hair color or skin color. So it was very big my mistake because I was not probably educated well about this country and just a little different, totally different, very different and sometimes it might be pretty sensitive. So what did you do? What should I do? I did what I can I say like a sorry guys because I doesn't mean anything bad. And I think it's only one thing what I can at this moment and in a few months it was like more calm and calm and now, yeah, everything fine. What did it teach you anything? This, what's a mistake? Yes. Never did any post or say about any like a huge thing. What happens in the United States? Not like a special celebration days or like if you talk about some problem meetings better, don't say anything. Just stay in, stay apart. Yeah, it's not my thing. And same, like, when situation happens between, like, a Russian and Ukraine between Russian and old world better don't say anything because I, it doesn't matter what you will say, you will be wrong. Yeah, I get what you're saying. You're a nail artist. Not a politician. No. Like something else. Yes. I'm no artist. Okay. Um, but that was the most stressful moment. What was the most exciting one? Oh, I have a lot. Okay. I don't know when it just happens, you think? Oh, my God, it's the huge thing in your life. But when you look back it's like, looks like it was cool. But maybe it will be better. Right? I think most, yeah, of course. I think most exciting was, of course when I traveled first to candle because it was first experience with this type of person in my life and it's maybe changed my life a lot also because after her I came more popular and other celebrities start to contact me. So I think this is, how is it working with celebrities? So they, what's the difference? Does it make you schedule look more crazy sometimes because their schedule also very crazy and they can move their appointment like 34 times a day because they don't know. Uh, but they like the same people as we are but more famous and more rich, of course. But like we have like a good people. In with normal clients and we have a good people in celebrity clients and bad the same. But I think I'm very lucky because all my celebrity clients kind of nice. And how does it work? Do you carry your travel case everywhere you go? How can you be that quick? I try to be not like all the time. I can be like super quick because sometimes for example, clients can contact me and say at least can you come in Beverly Hills? And I'm at this moment in Beverly Hills, but my suitcase in studio. So I should travel to studios, you to take my luggage and go back because it's a pretty big one and all the time have a small baby in the car. It's not nice because it just literally will be no space for stroller and for bags if you go to shopping. So it's all the time. Stay in my studio city salon, but I live very close like seven minutes from there and it's kind of easy. Okay. So you don't carry it everywhere. Yeah, that would be probably impossible. Um What was the most difficult manicure you've ever done? Mm. It depends. We talk about cuticle work or about design, whatever you can think about. I heard your other interview and I'm thinking about something but if that's not that I'll ask about that episode later, okay? Um I think very difficult. I have few clients with very, very difficult hands and we always do like an extension and a lot of designs, but I cannot say what was super difficult. Hm. Okay. I heard that you done a mini corps and a little girl. Oh yes, this was crazy because I was not ready. Yes, like two years ago, I think for Christmas if they um agent of Kim Kardashian contact me and say like Lisa, can you come and do manicure like extension? I said, of course, yes, I can. I came make a setup was in green room like a lot of people was around hairstylists, makeup artists like dress persons like so many people and Kim came and sit to another chair. Like I said, maybe I should move and she said, no, no, that's fine. My girl will come to your to your table for manicure. I said okay And the girl came and she was like a 345. I don't know so small and she asked about extension and it was crazy for me because she had a tiny fingers. First of all, you cannot do gel manicure like until 14, not extension for sure. But when you work with this type of people, you cannot say your opinion about like is it healthy or it's not healthy? So I did and uh it was probably like two most longest hours in my life because her tiny fingers all the time go to not right position and she smashed like a gel and paper form was moved. But girl was very nice about like she was not, she did think and did like what they say to do. And this time she had her hair done and makeup as well. So it was very, very hard. Okay. So I remember that but I did a nail extension for this family for another kiss a few more times. So it was not only one time but after I was a little different, it was first time. Yes. And I heard that sometimes you have to travel with celebrities to like a studio where they film something and you sit there for hours waiting if something happens with manicure sometimes, for example, like around a year ago when Kardashians make Kardashians who pro moronic, it was like a huge, Huge space for shooting. It was around 150 people on the set and I was just sitting there from six am till 12. They pay me and I never did my job. I like drink some coffee, have a breakfast and have lunch. That's the best. Very, very nice. Yes. So what was the story with snow? Yes. Once it was the same day when I did first time nails extension for a little girl, Kardashians tried to be a very, very creative with this like photo shoots and their events. And every year they tried to do something special. And this year they order like a snow for their backyard for photo shoot. But this year in, for Christmas was kind of very warm and so, like a lot of snow run and it was like a huge money, huge money. Like a million just smelled it away. Oh, wow. Um, and who else to work with? What other celebrities if you can most famous? I did Hailey Bieber Kit. Most Zendaya re Tora. I worked with, like, some very famous Russian girls. It's like, I don't know, it doesn't make sense. Talk about Russian a little bit pretty popular. A little bit, little bit. Yeah, they moved around six months ago to here. So now they live in, in Los Angeles. I worked with them to, I did work with Levada. I don't know. Do you know here or no? Like to, to um I work with some female and male also. So boyfriend of India Tom Holland. We worked with boyfriend of Rita Aura and I saw Justin Bieber. I did, didn't make his nails but when I worked with Haley, she was nearby and like sit with us and sing so like a small special concert. So a lot of people who have a lot of followers also Like a 5, 10 million but not so many people maybe know them. But for people who interesting, you can come to our salon, we have like a wall with old pictures of celebrities who work with and you can check. Okay. That's interesting. Maybe I will. Um and about the salon? I forgot to ask that. Do you, do you feel that it's very important when you try to attract clients? Do you think that interior, the decoration inside the salon is very important if you understand? Of course, yes, because every person I feel more comfortable when it's clean and nice and like a beauty, careful everything new. But when I open my first salon, we don't have a lot of money. So we just rent the place and did everything with my husband by ourselves. So we paint the wall, we put some wallpapers in some rooms. We built podium for pedicure room and it was like for sure, not professional, it was not fancy, not expensive, but someone was pretty popular. So like in this case, I can say if you do your job, well, it's like not super, super matter how beautiful your places. But now when I opened my second salon, of course, we try to do it like more beautiful. We have constructions for two months. You spent a lot of money for this. So Okay, talking about numbers. How much did you invest in your first studio? And this one which is the first studio for everything. When we just opened, it was around $5,000 without rent. Of course. And here it was around 15. Okay. So 10 times more. Yes. But right now exactly this moment we have like a construction is my first salon because I think it's time, a little. yes, update everything. So I hope it will be also very nice. It will be, I'm sure it will be done in a few days. Okay. Um What plans do you have a future? Because I know you don't just have a few salons. You don't just do many curios uh have a store. We have online store and as I said, we sail all around the world and for the future, of course, we want to grow our brand and we have more distributions in different countries. Right now. We have already like a very, very big distributor in England. We have also like a few countries in Europe and I hope we will grow this list. Of course. Also we have a plan to open a few more nail places here in California and maybe in New York as well because they really like New York. I really like Manhattan and I know they have so much problem there. I have a lot of um clients who travel from New York to us and all the time they visit us for manicure because situation in New York, it's very, very bad. A lot of technicians kind of good technicians in Brooklyn. But people who like kind of famous or very busy, they don't want to travel so far away. And on Manhattan, I think just funeral places who, I don't know how they do it like a good or no, but only a few nail places who do Dr Monica Russian moniker? They're probably pretty booked. I think so. It's the same situation. Seattle, all nail artists. They're booked, booked and they work at home, I think, because I have a classes and Seattle, like three years ago, my girls was from home. It depends. Like, I think maybe a couple of years ago it was a little different now. It's becoming more easy, more popular to rent something a few years ago. It wasn't so many places around now for like 1000 you can or maybe even a few 100 you can learn the chair. Yes. For maybe thousands or something, you can rent a small room. It's more, more common now than it was a few years ago. So that would make it easier. So your store is online now, only. Do you have any plans to make it? Maybe in person? Because um I know that it's very difficult you cannot go to, let's say you need something right now. You can, of course, we have kind of small store in our studio city location. So we have everything there and person who needed us up or person who want to check the colors in person, they can always come and check it. We work seven days a week. So, okay. That's good to have this option. Yes. What's, what's so different about your equipment that you sell and for what just available in other stores? Oh my God. Huge different if we talk about gel polish. It's totally different consistency. We have so many beautiful colors. We have 500 colors. I think no one brand can say about what they have so many. It's so much and it's very beautiful. All of them, they stay very well. If we talk about tools, we have very high quality tools. If we talk about wizards, it's very sharp. If you talk about drill bits here, they use totally different shape of drill bits and quality also so different. So if you try to find something for dry manicure technique and normal beauty store beauty supplies, you just cannot do this technique with this type of supplies. It's different. Is it different? Um now and a few years ago when you opened the store or now it's a lot of shops open um here like from Europe, for example, like some Russian brands came to this market when we just started, it was no one here. Okay. And also as far as I know your nail polish is also certified by ox. Yes. Yes about that. Yes. Like we have a certification right in Oxford. So all ingredients in our gel polishes have a right? I don't know like everything right in our ingredients because they're very, very high standard. It's very hard to have this type of certification. And also in England, we make a certification for this type of manicure. The girl who make a distribution in England. She came to me a few times to learn. And when I learned her, when he learned this way, she came back, practiced a lot of course. And she came to like a government level and make this type of manicure. Exactly. My type of dry ration manicure. Like a um legal. Yes, patent in England. That's very difficult. I think so. Yes, it's same like here because, you know, when you go to school it's totally different way. It's the same thing in England. That's amazing. Well, your story is amazing how you came here five years ago. It will be six in one week. six. Okay. Congrats. And the very last question, what was your first impression of? It was bad? Yes, because what time of the year was it? It was summer. It was June and we came by bus from, that's why by bus. I don't, I don't remember from exactly which place El Paso. I, I guess we traveled a lot with my husband before and our bus stopped in downtown and it was so many homeless thence everywhere. George like, oh my God, I think like, no, this is not my city. And we, when we decided to move to Los Angeles, we never been here before, but we visit a lot of different cities in the United States. And everyone told us like you need to go to Los Angeles for business for these plants. What you have in your mind, it's the best place. And we trust them. And the first few months till we have, till we bought a car in my mind, it was like after one year when the apartment and will be done, we believe because it was so bad underground. It was like a scary, this, like a homeless zombie people. It was, oh my gosh. But when we bought a car, we start to travel around the lay and it's so beautiful, like nature, everything, ocean mountains, like two hours and you in snow. I fell in love and now of course, it's still like kind of Georgian and after COVID much more homeless here. So it's the bad thing, but we're still here. Well, I'm glad you stayed here. So that's why we could have this conversation and you may decide such amazing career here and you're still working and moving towards progress. And I wish you the best. I wish you just keep growing, growing and keep doing this amazing things here in L A and in the United States and in the whole world. Why not? Thank you so much. Thank you so much and I hope we'll talk again. Of course, I still have a lot of questions. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Bye.

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